Homeboat: Leon

Leon. - This is hands down the coolest, most adventurous lettering project up until today. I met Jelle and Harald over a coffee at a bar and we instantly clicked. The enthusiasm they carried about their homeboat project ‘Leon’ was immensely catching!

Maybe it has to do with the fact I converted a van into a camper once, and that these projects spark something in me as well, I don’t know … But one thing I do know is that I got so excited about getting onto this project, because it sure sounded like it would be an adventure from the start.

Hanging over the ship’s bow painting the name on the left and the right side of the nose, using my climbing gear … The technical aspect combined with the creative one made me dream of scenario’s of me, painting, dangeling over the water. I just could not wait to get started, and so I did!

You can follow Jelle & Harald’s adventures via instagram over at @schipper_mag_ik_overvaren